TV, presenter, overseas property, financial focus
TV, Anchor/Interviewer, Paradise Abroad
TV, Presenter, Sky Travel
TV, Presenter, TV Travel Shop
TV, Presenter/Writer, CNN Hotels of the World
TV, Presenter, Golf Ireland and Fish Ireland, Peak Viewing
TV, Presenter, QVC TV, Presenter, Simply Shopping
TV, Commercial, MTV Anti-Slavery, MTV
TV, Commercial, Direct Insurance
Live Events
Live Event, Host, Sony HDNA Road Show
Live Event, Host, Fujitse-Siemens Conference
Live Event, Host, Motorola Launch 2005
Live Event, Host, Nissan Almera Launch
Live Event, Host, National Bridal Fair
Corperate Video, Presenter, Bank of America
Corperate Video, Presenter, Bank Of England
Corperate Video, Presenter, Medical Monthly
Corperate Video, Presenter, Norwich Union
Corperate Video, Presenter, Abbey National
Corperate Video, Presenter, Accenture
Corperate Video, Presenter, Nissan Europe
Accents & Dialects: American-East Coast, American-Midwest, American-New York, American-Southern States, American-Standard, American-West Coast, Belfast, Central Scottish, Cork, Donegal, Dublin, Galway, Glasgow, Irish RP, Irish-Northern, Irish-Southern, London, RP, Scottish-Standard
Other Skills: Improvisation, Full Driving Licence